They’re mostly old, mostly rich and fiercely protective of their perfect patches of inner-city dirt, willing to mount formidable challenges against anything that disturbs their peace. Whether it’s rezoning neighbourhoods to allow denser development, applications to build townhouses and units, or talk of public and affordable housing, they’re firmly NIMBYContinue Reading

A former US intelligence officer turned UFO whistleblower claims the government has recovered remains of multiple different types of non-human biological “entities” from crashed craft — and hinted that there may have been “interactions” with living beings. David Grusch, an Air Force veteran and former member of the National GeospatialContinue Reading

Peruvian authorities have launched a criminal probe into how two alleged “non-human” alien corpses presented to the Mexican Congress last week by a controversial UFO researcher were taken out of the country. Jaime Maussan, 70, a journalist and long-time alien enthusiast with a history of making dubious claims, sparked widespreadContinue Reading