A dog owner’s rants about a ‘lukewarm’ experience with a fellow beachgoer upset with her pet’s presence

A dog owner’s rant about beachgoers not letting her dog sit under their tent for shade has divided the internet.

Alana Reid, who has a French bulldog, complained online that some people on the beach would not let her panting dog sit underneath their beach tent while she waited for her husband to arrive with their own shade.

Ms Reid wrote: “It was a beautiful sunny day, and while trying to find a spot to sit, my Frenchie tried to make himself at home under someone else’s umbrella

“The owner looked very unimpressed, so I apologised and went and sat down and sheltered my pooch with my towel, while I waited for my husband to come back with our stuff for the beach.”

Meanwhile, another beachgoer witnessed Ms Reid’s “lukewarm” encounter with the tent owner and proceeded to offer their own shade tent for her pet.

“Her and her husband busily put up the shade tent so just so my boy had some shelter, I was so grateful for the beautiful kind gesture of a complete stranger,” she said.

“Dog people are my kind of people.

“Kindness costs nothing but it sure made my day, and restored my faith in humanity.”

The post sparked fierce reactions from users, with many split on whether Ms Reid should expect strangers to care for her dog.

One user said: “Is it really unkind to look unimpressed when a strange dog comes under their shade? I would have also looked unimpressed because I don’t like dogs. It’s my problem but I don’t think that is unkind.”

Another defended the beachgoer that was uncomfortable with the dog using their shade tent, pointing out that they may have been allergic.

“Many people have serious allergies to dogs, so you never know. Best to keep your dog beside you or on a lead,” theysaid

But another user replied: “Oh those complaining or commenting on not being impressed with the dog stealing a bit of shade – honestly get over yourselves – if you don’t want a dog near you don’t go to a dog beach!! Seriously we are breeding a society of whinging whining annoying people. Give me a dog any day.”

Another said: “I’d love for him to join me anytime. As long as he loved kisses and cuddles.”

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