Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has for the first time spruiked the Coalition’s controversial nuclear energy plan in an electorate earmarked for a new “modular reactor”, promising the ambitious project will be more efficient than replacing wind turbines “every 25 years”. The Liberal leader on Monday championed the contested energy projectContinue Reading

Supermarket giant Aldi has issued an urgent recall for a popular chicken finger snack T-Rex Bites. The retailer recalled the 1kg family pack snack from Farmwood over an undeclared allergen. “Any consumers who have a peanut allergy or intolerance may have a reaction if the product is consumed,” Food StandardsContinue Reading

First-time home buyers who have been locked out of the property market where they live are buying houses in other states and becoming landlords instead. Karen Nguyen, who is in her 20s, works full-time for a tech start-up and is one of those young Aussies who has gone interstate toContinue Reading

Aussies could be forking out much more for their morning coffee if action isn’t taken to address rising business costs, the head of a food distributor group has warned. Richard Forbes, the chief executive of Independent Food Distributors Australia, whose members provide food to 60,000 cafes, restaurants, pubs and clubs,Continue Reading