Groom’s fury at horny best man caught on live wedding microphone

Unable to bridle his lust for a bodacious blond bridesmaid, a best man was caught openly ogling the woman’s large breasts from the altar at his pal’s nuptials.

And to make matters worse, audio of the guy’s lechery was caught on a hot mike and featured in the newlywed couple’s wedding video, which has since gone viral on TikTok.

“Oh yeah, zoom in on those,” said the unidentified playboy as the bosomy beauty bopped down the aisle in a flowing frock with a plunging neckline. His cringe-worthy comments are featured in a clip shared by videographer @ChiolaFilms, and have perked up over 10.8 million views.

While another groomsman appears to laugh at the best man’s cat calls, the groom scolds him, saying, “Shhh! Are you f- -king dumb, dude?”

Seemingly ashamed of his inappropriate behaviour, the best man asks, “Was that loud? … I can’t hear [anything].”

But his plea of innocent ignorance falls on deaf ears.

The groom continues to rebuke him, saying, “What, are you a f- -king a- -hole?,” before reminding the dolt that they’re being recorded. “I’m f- -king mic’d up, also. You’re an idiot.”

And folks in the comments echoed the rightfully peeved hubby-to-be’s sentiments.

“This is ‘peaked in [high school]’ energy,” wrote a disapproving commentator.

“Definitely disrespectful of him,” another penned, in part.

“As soon as that happened he should have been removed. I’d be so mad if someone like that was involved in my wedding,” said another.

However, while a host of online faultfinders were busy giving the best man a hard time for making randy remarks, others noticed that the seemingly gallant groom may also deserve a little virtual spanking.

“The hubby was grinning until he realised he’s on the mic too,” noted one keen-eyed audience member.

“He thought it was funny till he realised his wife would hear it later,” added a separate spectator.

And, according to a wedding professional in the comments, saucy slips of the tongue like this happen on a regular basis.

“As a wedding videographer who mics people all the time … I can tell you, we hear a LOT,” she wrote, adding the nervous laughter emoji for emphasis.

This article was originally published by the New York Post and reproduced with permission

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