Plane passenger gets revenge after person keeps opening window blind

A real estate agent became so fed up with a fellow passenger reaching into his row to open the window blinds on a flight that he took matters into his own hands.

In a now-viral TikTok, a frazzled-looking Eric Goldie slapped away a person’s hand – twice – as they tried to open the blind behind them.

Goldie posted the video in response to a comment on a previous video in which he detailed a list of annoying things people do on planes, the New York Post reported.

Many TikTok users agreed with Goldie’s handling of the situation.

“Can’t they open their own window,” questioned one user.

“Who has the audacity to try MULTIPLE TIMES after being told no,” said another.

“I’d just hold her hand. I have hyperhidrosis and we’re both gonna be miserable,” joked a third person.

“I think this would be unlocked dormant violence in me. like broken fingers,” commented a fourth person.

One user questioned who should make the decision based on the position of the window.

“I get so confused when the window is 50/50 between seats,” remarked the user. “Who owns it?”

Goldie later posted another follow-up video explaining the location of the window justified his actions.

“I see how this can be confusing but there is no confusion on whose window this was,” he said in the video.

This story was originally published by the New York Post and was reproduced with permission

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