Women shocked to discover meaning behind upside down pineapple tattoo

Several women on TikTok are seriously regretting their tattoos of an upside-down pineapple after choosing the design without knowing its meaning.

A quick Google search would inform eager ink seekers that the turned-over fruit is commonly used as a symbol for swingers looking for a good time.

Unlucky Brittany Lewin learned about that signal after she chose a line drawing of a pineapple inside a triangle, NY Post reported.

“Is that an upside-down pineapple?” her friend responded to a text message of Lewin excitedly showing off her new addition in a viral TikTok.

“Hahaha not when my arm is down,” Lewin responded, naively.

Then she did her own Google search. “I’ve made a mistake besties,” Lewin captioned the clip, showing the shocking search results.

Viewers on TikTok both laughed and sympathised with Lewin over her oversight.

“What was your reasoning behind getting that tattoo then? I’m dying here,” one asked.

“It’s meant to represent being a boss babe and the triangle is my lucky symbol,” Lewin responded.

“Well, you wouldn’t win either way. Even if you put it the right way up, when you put your arm back down from behind it’d still be upside down,” another pointed out.

“Just turn it into Spongebob’s house and add some sea shells,” one laughed.

Meanwhile, TikTok user Hanna Roigz explained in June that she “impulsively” chose to get a pineapple tattooed on her arm on the last day of her Hawaiian vacation.

“I wanted it to be upside down because I wanted to be able to see it at all times and then later found out the meaning of upside down pineapples,” she explained, adding that she’s managed to find the humour in her error.

“I think it’s hilarious,” she smiled.

One user wasn’t so easygoing. Stitching a video of a tattoo artist trying to talk a client out of a pineapple tattoo, @callmebex11 interrupted, “Or, and hear me out on this one, you could just acknowledge that sometimes tattoos really just are for the client and not for the rest of the world.”

Other users agreed with their hot take.

“Ugh … how DARE people want their own art on their own body to look how they want,” one groaned, sarcastically.

This story originally appeared on NY Post and reproduced with permission

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