MAFS: Viewers rip into ’toxic’ Married At First Sight brother

Viewers absolutely ripped into the overprotective brother of Married At First Sight bride Janelle during Wednesday night’s show.

The newlywed and makeup vlogger had initially been stoked about her pairing and marriage with Adam, however unfortunately the same couldn’t be said about her sibling Jordan. Soon, she was left questioning their marriage.

While Janelle’s mother sobbed through the ceremony, brother Jordan’s displeasure was written all over his face from the start. Her other brother Josh, who was seated next to Jordan, may not have approved too but he was at least more subtle.

Jordan, however, scowled and looked as if he was in physical pain at times, especially when Adam mentioned he had made “a past mistake”.

“I haven’t lived a perfect life — I’ve done things I regretted,” Adam said in his vows. “I’ve made mistakes. And I’ve lost myself along the way. But they’ve all taught me lessons.”

“I think he’s been arrested,” one of Janelle’s brothers said.

After Adam kept commenting on how he “wasn’t perfect”, Jordan and Josh decided to press him to reveal that mistake, and discovered it involved cheating on a partner.

Many social media users said Jordan was too overprotective and needed to calm down, with his reaction to Adam’s mistake being totally overboard.

Others called him the “world’s most annoying brother” and said it was simply “not normal” to be so concerned about who his sister was dating.

One wrote: “I heard ‘I’ve made some mistakes’ but Janelle’s brother heard ‘I’m actually the zodiac killer’.

Another said it wasn’t his place to find out what the mistake was: “So Jordan … or whatever your name is. Ever thought that Adam may be the one who wants to share his past with Janelle? That is NOT up to you to do that! Learn your place.”

And a third: “Janelle’s brother is an over thinker who loves red flags. Twitter is well repped by this man.”

Many commenters believe he needs to keep out of his sister’s life and get more involved in his own.

A commenter said: “Let me guess … Janelle’s brother is … Single, never had a serious relationship and mum dad boy.”

Another wrote: “If your sister is an adult, she can make her own decisions, big fella. Don’t need your opinion about whether Adam is worthy.”

While some other viewers said he made them feel a touch nervous.

“Even we’re scared of Janelle’s brother.”

Others were distracted by his rather attention-grabbing hairstyle.

“Ummm Jordan is it? Yeah I don’t think you can pass judgment on anyone with that hair mate.”

“The topdeck-haired brother is the most toxic guy on the show.”

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