Photograph taken outside of cafe sparks debate

A single photograph snapped outside a cafe in Australia has ended up causing quite a stir online.

The image, which was posted to Reddit, shows four casually dressed people with guns strapped to their bodies standing directly outside the shop.

The cafe-goer who posted the image online said they approached the trio to inquire as to whether they were police officers, to which they responded yes.

“Three people with hand guns at cafe this morning (Australia) – said ‘I assume you’re plain clothes police’ which they confirmed,” the Reddit user said.

“Actually it was four, I forgot the one behind the person on the right. I joked that I hoped they weren’t a new local militia … This cafe is a regular hang out for first responder but always uniformed. Feels different it being plain.

“What do people think about non-uniformed police open carrying guns like this?”

The question ended up sparking quite the debate. While some weren’t bothered with the sight, saying they “don’t see the problem” and it’s “no big deal”, others weren’t thrilled.

One commenter said: “It’s fair to say, in Australia, if you see someone in civvies with a holstered handgun you know they’re police.”

A second said: “Honestly would assume they were cops as we are lucky here to never see guns. They sounded like they were nice enough.”

And a third wrote: “People in this country can be so scared of guns sometimes – and fair enough. They need to understand that because of our great firearm laws you shouldn’t even have to question if someone with an openly holstered gun is a police officer.”

However, others were upset about seeing the police officers in plain clothes carrying guns on what appeared to be their lunch break or coffee run.

“Do they really need to be that loaded on lunch off duty?” one asked.

“Hate it with a passion,” said another.

“Maybe they could wear tshirts with “DON’T PANIC” in large friendly letters,” suggested a fellow commenter.

While another questioned whether they wanted to be noticed or not: “Isn’t the point of plain clothes cops like … not to stand out?”

Others agreed that if they were trying to blend in, they weren’t succeeding: “A handgun on someone’s waistband is so ridiculously overt in Australia they may as well be in uniform.”

“Genuine question: why don’t they conceal carry if the purpose of plain clothes is to blend in?

It’s like wearing a high viz vest over camouflage. Do you want us to know you’re a cop or not?”

While another commenter clarified: “Plain clothed doesn’t mean under cover. They could just be detectives or a special task force.”

A commenter who claimed to be an ex-detective jumped into the conversation to explain what was going on in the photo.

“Ex-detective, this is so normal to me I forget that people even notice. Plainclothes with standard holsters/thigh rig generally means uniform staff on an operation. They’re not carrying cuffs, so that means they’ll put vests on with the rest of their accoutrements. It’s hot, so that gear might be in the car.

“As to why you go plainclothes, it’s to blend in. Unmarked cars, with guys sitting in them doing obs. That might be to affect an arrest, stake out a trouble spot, basic surveillance, whatever. The idea is not to immediately appear as police. It also lends you a certain authority with crooks over uniformed officers, they think you’re more serious, and know your job better.

“As to why detectives don’t wear business clothes everywhere, it’s because it’s hard to run, chase, wrestle in business clothes, they get damaged, and are expensive to replace. If you’re doing a warrant, you’re going through dirty houses that smell, may have biological matter, etc.

Cargos etc are harder wearing, and if they get blood and mud on them, they’re easier to clean, or cheaper to replace.”

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