WA Government to introduce mental health screening for gun owners

The Western Australia government will introduce mandatory mental health checks for firearm owners in an “Australian first” commitment to overhaul gun laws.

On Sunday, Police Minister Paul Papalia announced the policy, saying Western Australia’s “outdated” gun laws were being totally reworked to put community safety first.

“The fact is, 20 Western Australians were killed by firearms last year,” he said.

“If 20 people were all gunned down in a public place, we would rightfully call it a massacre.”

Under the policy, about 89,000 WA residents who hold a firearms licence will have to undergo compulsory mental health screening.

Over a six-month period, 122 people were referred to WA Police over concerns about their fitness to hold a gun licence.

Subsequent investigations led to 46 firearm licences being revoked on mental health grounds.

Mr Papalia said police believe mental health was a factor in almost 50 per cent of shooting deaths in 2022.

“Many people in our society have lived with mental health challenges at some stage in their lives and most people living with mental health issues are not violent and pose no threat to anyone,” he said.

“If mental illness is identified during the application process, we want it to be an opportunity and a pathway for the individual to receive the support they need.”

The state government announced last March it would overhaul WA’s 1973 Firearms Act to put community safety first.

Mr Papalia said consultation had shown strong support for the initiative from farmers, the medical community, and victims of firearms violence.

But hours after the policy was revealed, the Shooters Union of Australia issued a statement opposing the move.

“There‘s no doubt the WA Government hate shooters on almost an individual level,” the organisation said.

The Union labelled the policy an attack on firearms owners, accusing the state government of “trying to make it a domestic violence and farmer suicide issue”.

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