Kristian Kovaleff: Killer played jazz after murdering girl

A murderer who killed a teenage girl and stabbed her best friend inside a hotel room played jazz and sang a song after carrying out the sickening attack.

Kristian Kovaleff, 21, has pleaded guilty to murder and wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm after attacking the two girls at a hotel in Parramatta in December 2020.

The victims cannot be identified for legal reasons.

At a sentencing hearing at the NSW Supreme Court on Wednesday, Kovaleff said he initially “didn’t have the guts” to kill one of the girls, but planned the murder out after finding out they had booked a hotel together.

He bought a handsaw, rope and bin bags from Bunnings on the day of the murder, the court heard.

After attacking the two girls, leaving a 17-year-old with fatal injuries, Kovaleff turned on a TV and played jazz music “to distract myself and calm myself down”, he told the court.

He also sang his favourite song, called I’m a Bomb.

Kovaleff told the court that he attempted CPR on the girl who died but didn’t ring for an ambulance because he was scared of getting caught.

After having a conversation with his father, who urged him to turn himself in, he eventually called the emergency services and said the girls “were dying in room 111”.

Kovaleff broke down in court as he apologised for his actions.

“I’m sorry that I ruined so many people’s lives,” he said.

“It makes me sick to the gut. I regret it deeply. She didn’t deserve it.”

The hearing will continue.

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