Voice referendum: PM agrees to Peter Dutton’s pamphlet demands ahead of vote

The government will send out official pamphlets ahead of the Voice referendum in a major backflip on its earlier position.

NCA NewsWire understands Anthony Albanese has asked Special Minister of State Don Farrell to begin the process of preparing an education pamphlet that would be distributed through the Australian Electoral Commission.

The Albanese government had been determined in their decision not to mail out official pamphlets, which they were seeking to embed in their Referendum Machinery Bill.

This drew the ire of the Coalition, who on Tuesday said they would not pass the legislation through the house unless the government changed its tune.

They demanded Mr Albanese agree to the distribution of the official pamphlets, as well as split funding both sides of the campaign.

It’s understood Mr Albanese will not relent to the opposition’s demand of equally funding the “yes” and “no” campaign.

Jane Hume had been vocal in her demands for the government to distribute pamphlets.

She told NCA NewsWire last month that in an age of misinformation, the government had a responsibility to provide official information to voters.

She noted it would have been the first time since before Phar Lap won the Melbourne Cup that there wouldn’t have been a referendum pamphlet.

Read related topics:Peter Dutton

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