British tourist’s shock over sandwich act in America

A tourist in the US has sparked a massive row online after he revealed what happened to his dad’s sandwich when they asked for it to be buttered.

The British man was so appalled he took to Reddit to share a photo of the result with his post attracting thousands of comments.

“They don’t butter their sandwiches across the pond. This is what happened when my Dad asked for his to be buttered,” he wrote.

The snap was of an egg sandwich cut in half in a takeaway box. However, if you look closely, the top of the white bread is smothered in butter — an act that has left many baffled.

“How the f**k do you come to the conclusion that it is the outside of the sandwich that must be buttered?” one shocked Reddit user asked.

“This is how you butter bread for a grilled cheese or a tuna melt but just serving it like this? Weird,” wrote another.

One person who worked at a takeaway shop in the US explained they’d make sandwiches in bulk in the morning.

“Every sandwich was on buttered bread. Yes it happens in America, no it’s not common nowadays,” they added.

While many were of the belief that it’s an “American thing”, others chimed in to defend the bizarre result and confirm that buttered bread isn’t common in the States.

“No we don’t. I’m an American and I don’t know why Reddit showed me this subreddit but here I am and here’s your comment and no, we don’t butter our sandwiches,” a local wrote.

Meanwhile, another US user said never in their 43 years have they had a sandwich that included butter unless it was toasted or grilled.

“The number of people taking this personally is too high. I’m just sharing my experience as an American. I’m not saying nobody does it,” they wrote, after the thread sparked a heated debate.

“I’m not saying you can’t do it. I’m not saying f**k you. We’re talking about sandwiches – chill out.”

Since the post was shared two days ago, it has racked up over 21,000 likes and almost 5000 comments and counting.

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