QLD MP Meaghan Scanlon claims landlords attempting to avoid new rent increase cap

Queensland Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon has claimed landlords are ending leases in order to skirt laws introduced earlier this year to stop rent hikes.

Ms Scanlon claimed on Thursday landlords were attempting to raise rents despite a new annual cap.

“Earlier this year, laws were passed to limit rent increases to once per year to assist in stabilising rents,” she said.

“However, reports have emerged of some landlords and agents ending leases with tenants in order to increase rents more frequently than once per year.”

The legislation, aimed at giving renters a “fair go”, came into effect for all new and existing tenancies on July 1.

Previously, landlords were allowed under law to increase rents every six months.

Deputy Premier Steven Miles said at the time the Queensland government was “taking immediate action” to support renters.

“For most households, rent would be the biggest single expense in their household budget,” he said.

“The majority of landlords do the right thing, but talking immediate action will protect Queensland renters from landlords who aren’t operating fairly.”

The amendments brought Queensland in line with other Australian states with similar laws, and also applied to rooming accommodation agreements.

Ms Scanlon has been contacted for additional comment.

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