James Cameron in talks to create doomed sub drama

Titanic filmmaker James Cameron is being tapped up to direct a drama series about the Titan submarine disaster.

Insiders say a streaming network has approached the acclaimed director — who has dived to the Titanic 30 times — to tell the story of the five men who died on the submersible last month, The Sun reports.

“The Titan disaster is already being looked at as a major series for one of the world’s biggest streamers — and James is first choice for director,” a source said.

“It is a subject close to his heart.

“He told the story of the Titanic so compassionately it feels like a natural step for him to take this on.

“Retracing the steps of those on board the Titan is a massive undertaking but there would be a lot of time, money and resources dedicated to it.”

Hollywood actor Matt Damon is said to be on the wish list of actors for the project, as is Kumail Nanjiani, star of romcom The Big Sick.

Canadian-born Cameron won three Oscars for Titanic in 1998, including Best Picture.

He is also an expert on deep-sea exploration.

Meanwhile, a new video detailing the collapse of the doomed Titan submarine has since gone viral, with video graphics showing exactly how pressure destroyed the craft.

Within just 11 days of its upload, the six-minute explainer shared by AiTelly has amassed over five million views. AiTelly is a company that specialises in showcasing original 4K and 3D engineering animations.

The narration begins by explaining that an implosion is “a process of destruction by collapsing inwards on the object itself”.

“Where explosion expands, implosion contracts,” it says.

At the Titanic’s 12,600-foot (3840 metre) depth at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, “there is around 5600 pounds per square inch of pressure”, the video says.

“That’s almost 400 times the pressure we experience on the surface.”

It goes on to attribute the Titan’s doom to high hydrostatic pressure in the surrounding water.

Such force caused the OceanGate sub to crumple “within a fraction of a millisecond”, the narrator said.

The Titan submarine met its tragic demise on June 18, just two hours into its descent towards the renowned Titanic shipwreck.

Plunging to a depth of approximately 5,500 feet (1,680 meters) in the North Atlantic, the vessel succumbed to the immense pressure and imploded, claiming the lives of all five occupants on board.

– with the NY Post

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