Mark Zuckerberg slams Elon Musk and announces super-fight is off

Billionaire Mark Zuckerberg has not held back in his latest comments slamming Elon Musk as their highly-anticipated super-fight is thrown into doubt.

Discussions surrounding a cage fight between the Meta Platforms CEO, 39, and the Tesla CEO, 52, have been heating up in recent weeks.

However, following a series of delays, Zuckerberg has slammed his counterpart in a brutal post on his Twitter rival app, Threads, The Sun reports.

“I think we can all agree Elon isn’t serious and it’s time to move on,” wrote the Harvard alumni.

“I offered a real date. Dana White (President of the UFC) offered to make this a legit competition for charity.

“Elon won’t confirm a date, then says he needs surgery, and now asks to do a practice round in my backyard instead.

“If Elon ever gets serious about a real date and official event, he knows how to reach me.

“Otherwise, time to move on. I’m going to focus on competing with people who take the sport seriously.”

And this isn’t the first time Zuckerberg has called out Musk for supposedly dragging his feet.

He recently claimed on Threads that he had proposed August 26 as a date for the fight, adding: “I’m ready today… but he (Musk) hasn’t confirmed.”

And Zuckerberg has seemingly been pouring plenty into his preparations for this potential fight, reportedly eating 4,000 calories a day, and even constructing an Octagon in his backyard.

But his latest post seemingly contradicts Musk’s stance that this fight is still very much on in a recent Twitter post.

On Friday, the SpaceX CEO claimed that “The fight will be managed by my and Zuck’s foundations (not UFC).

“Livestream will be on this platform and Meta. Everything in camera frame will be ancient Rome, so nothing modern at all.

“I spoke to the PM of Italy and Minister of Culture. They have agreed on an epic location.”

In subsequent comments, Musk added that “Everything done will pay respect to the past and present of Italy,” and that “all proceeds go to veterans” as well as “pediatric hospitals in Italy.”

The South African also offered an insight into the health issues eluded to by Zuckerberg.

Musk stated that he had “spent 3 hours in an MRI machine on Monday.”

He added that the “Bottom line is that my C5/C6 fusion is solid, so not an issue.

“However, there is a problem with my right shoulder blade rubbing against my ribs, which requires minor surgery.

“Recovery will only take a few months.”

As for Zuckerberg’s claim that Musk had asked to practice in his octagon, he responded to this with a screenshot seemingly showing messages between him and his counterpart.

Zuckerberg supposedly told Musk that “If you still want to do a real MMA fight, then you should train on your own and let me know when you’re ready to compete.

“I don’t want to keep hyping something that will never happen, so you should either decide you’re going to do this and do it soon, or we should move on.”

In response, Musk told him that he would be in Palo Alto, California, on Monday that they should “fight in your Octagon.”

“I have not been practicing much, apart from a brief bout with Lex Fridman (podcaster) today.

“While I think it is very unlikely, given our size difference, perhaps you are a modern day Bruce Lee and will somehow win.”

Should the fight eventually take place, Musk should have a substantial size advantage, at 6-foot-2 tall, weighing “at least 300 lbs” according to the man himself on Twitter.

By comparison, Zuckerberg is just 5-foot-7 and around 155-pounds, as per USA Today.

However, the Meta boss has the advantage when it comes to experience, having recently obtained his blue belt in jiu-jitsu.Zuckerberg also recently invited UFC stars Israel Adesanya and Alex Volkanvski to his home to train.

This article originally appeared in The Sun and was reproduced with permission

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