Constantina Demos: Plane seat selection reveals a lot about your personality

We all have our preferences on a plane. Some can’t fathom the thought of boarding a plane without having pre-selected their seat, while other travellers are not fussed and like the element of surprise.

After spending countless hours in the air Delicious travel editor Constantina Demos reveals your seat selection has a lot to say about your personality.

Here’s what your seat selection says about you.

Aisle seat

If you select an aisle seat, you’re always thinking two steps ahead. You’ve selected this seat out of convenience and to be courteous. What if you need to go to the bathroom during the flight? What if you need to get something from your bag stowed away in the overhead compartment? Having to continually ask people to get up so you can move around the cabin can be annoying. You don’t want to be a nuisance. You’re probably one of the first to your feet as soon as the plane lands and the seat belt sign is switched off.

Middle seat

You live in the present. Not one to obsess over planning every second of your life you go with the flow. Whether you’re in the middle or sitting in the window seat, who cares? One way or another you will get where you need to go. You’re probably the type of traveller who can also fall asleep easily, wherever you happen to be.

Window seat

You’re a dreamer. You like the idea of looking out your window at the world below and wondering what the destination will be like. You probably snap a picture or two if the clouds are looking especially fluffy. Or, you’re terrible at sleeping in public spaces and need the plane wall to lean against while you sleep. If you’re the latter you’re probably guilty of bringing your pillow from home on an international flight with you.

Emergency exit row

You’re giving ‘main character’ energy. Do you accept the responsibility of safely heralding everyone off a plane if it were to land anywhere but a tarmac? Of course, who better on the flight to do so. If you were to choose to be someone in a film you would always choose to be the protagonist. The extra leg-room is just a bonus.

Business class (domestic flight)

You are a Very Serious Business Person and should be treated that way. Your inbox is inundated with very important emails and you spend the whole flight tapping away on an iPad or laptop. That or you have a taste for the finer things in life and can’t tolerate anything but the best, even if it’s just for a Sydney-Melbourne flight. If you have the money or frequent flyer points to do so, then hats off to you.

Premium economy

You’re not precious, but you do value personal space. It’s not that you’re above flying Economy it’s that you don’t like having to rub shoulders with the person next to you or share an arm rest. The wider seats and increased leg room make the flying experience much more tolerable for you.

Anywhere in the last row

You laugh in the face of danger. Ok, that was an exaggeration. But it’s no secret the back of the plane feels turbulence more than the front of the plane so if things were to get a little bumpy you’ll be feeling it the most. Those who are afraid of flying usually avoid these seats at all costs. But not you, you little daredevil. You can probably sleep through anything, including the sound of metal cupboard doors opening and closing as flight attendants prepare the catering trolley in the kitchen.

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Originally published as Constantina Demos: Your plane seat selection reveals a lot about your personality

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