Tax time is boom period for Sydney brothel as clients splash returns

What time of the year do you think a brothel would be at its busiest … Christmas? Valentine’s Day? After footy grand finals?


According to Jess, a receptionist from The Gateway Club in Sydney, it’s actually right about now.

“Generally it’s after tax time because that’s when people have money to spend,” she said.

Jess gave a tour of the brothel (which you can watch in the video player above) and revealed plenty of fun facts about what goes on inside the venue.

Let’s start with the prices.

Basically, the longer you stay, the more you’ll pay.

“It’s $240 per half-hour, 45 minutes is $300 and it’s $380 for an hour,” Jess said.

The club is open seven days a week, from 6pm to 6am on Monday and Tuesday, and then 24 hours a day from Wednesday onwards.

“I would say Thursday to Saturday are our peak times, generally from 10pm onwards,” Jess told

During the week, there’ll be about five to eight girls working in the club each night, with that number increasing to 10 to 25 girls over the weekends.

When they’re not with a client, the employees pass the time together in a staff area.

“They just hang out and play Uno and games on their phone,” Jess revealed.

As for the clientele, it’s pretty varied.

“I’ve met 18 year olds and 85 year olds,” Jess said.

And what those customers are into is also pretty varied.

“We don’t like to say anything’s odd or weird, however we do have girls who will do kink services, BDM and any fetishes,” she added.

If this article has inspired you to pay a visit to a brothel, it’s worth noting that they’re only legal in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, Northern Territory and the ACT.

Brothels are still banned in Tasmania, Western Australia and South Australia, meaning residents in those areas will have to blow their tax returns elsewhere.

Read related topics:SydneyTax Time

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