Next Victorian Premier: Jacinta Allan, Ben Carroll front runners after Dan Andrews quits

Two senior ministers in the Dan Andrews government are tipped go for the top job, which means a fight for power after the premier’s shock Tuesday resignation.

Deputy Premier Jacinta Allan is widely considered the frontrunner for the job but it is understood Public Transport Minister Ben Carroll will also throw his hat into the ring.

Victorian Labor is meeting today to decide who will follow Mr Andrews after his nine years in power.

If Mr Carroll nominates for the job, any hopes of smooth transition of power will be crushed.

The 12,000 members of the Victorian Labor Party are entitled to vote on leadership changes and so a final decision on the new leader could take months.

An interim premier would have to be appointed during the selection process.

Mr Andrews’ resignation will come into effect at 5pm on Wednesday.

Ms Allan, the member for Bendigo East, was elected to parliament in 1999 and represents the regional city of Bendigo, where she was raised.

She has taken on multiple ministerial roles in the Andrews government, including transport and infrastructure, employment and public transport.

She was also Commonwealth Games delivery minister from June 2022 until July 2023, when the sporting event was controversially canned by Mr Andrews on cost concerns.

Mr Carroll, the member for Niddrie in metropolitan Melbourne, has also taken on multiple ministerial portfolios, including youth justice and employment.

Mr Andrews sensationally resigned from his position after making up his mind in the “past few days”.

“(This is) not an easy decision because, as much as we have achieved together, there is so much more to do,” he said.

“But when it’s time, it’s time.

“It’s not an easy job being the premier of this state, that’s not a complaint it’s just a fact.”

Mr Andrews said he resigned so that he would not grow to resent the burdens of the office.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese thanked Mr Andrews for his service to Victoria.

“Daniel Andrews has never been anyone who has shirked his responsibilities,” he said.

“He stood up each and every day during the pandemic server for doing what he believed was absolutely right.

“To keep Victorian safe not making easy decisions, making difficult decisions, and Daniel Andrews will be remembered for his contribution to Victoria.”

Ms Allan now leads a government that has been in power nine years following Mr Andrews’ victory in 2014 and his re-election for a third term in November 2022 after defeating Liberal opposition leader Matthew Guy.

Bill Shorten, former leader of the Labor Party, praised Ms Allan on Wednesday morning as a “leader in her own right”.

Members of her own party also backed the married mum to two kids before the vote.

Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes, speaking to reporters, said Ms Allan would be a “great leader”.

Victorian Premier Tim Pallas has become deputy premier.

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