Shani Louk: Hamas beast who spat on dead Israeli’s body has been killed, rabbi confirms

Israel has killed the Hamas monster who spat on and paraded Shani Louk’s naked body through Gaza, her family claims.

Shani, 22, a German national and tattoo artist was abducted from a music festival near Kibbutz Urim, Israel, on October 7.

Shani’s family reportedly told a top rabbi that her daughter’s assailant had been wiped out by Israel’s military.

Shani was finally declared dead on October 30 after a fragment of her skull was found at the site of the Supernova festival bloodbath.

It was devastating news for her family who had hoped that she was alive and being kept as a hostage by Hamas terrorists.

Shani’s mother, Ricarda, has now allegedly revealed to TV host Rabbi Shmuley that IDF forces had tracked down and killed the Hamas beast responsible for “defiling” her daughter’s body.

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach wrote on Twitter: “Ricarda Louk… revealed to us in her public conversation with me that the Hamas terrorist monster who parades [Shani’s] naked body around Gaza, defiling her in the name of Islam, and screaming Allahu Akbar, was killed by the IDF.

“That monster is now roasting in hell forever as will the other Hamas savages who perpetrated this massacre.”

Rabbi Shmuley is a US author and TV host, who has been dubbed “America’s most famous rabbi”.

His claims have not yet been officially confirmed.

The last time Shani had been seen was when footage emerged of her lifeless half-naked body being dragged through Gaza in a truck as Hamas’s cross-border killing spree still raged on.

It showed gun-toting Hamas terrorists spitting on her as she lay face down, making it unclear if she was alive or not.

He was also filmed standing over Shani’s body and holding her up by her hair as he gleefully shouted in Arabic: “Good is most great”.

Shani’s family waited three harrowing weeks for news before Israel confirmed that her remains had been found.

Her heartbroken family described their “great sadness” at the news of their peace-loving daughter’s death.

But her brother, Amit, described the relief he felt finally knowing what had happened to his “angel” sister.

“In so many ways, I feel to know this, to know she’s not suffering anymore,” he told Sky News.

Amit said that he knows exactly how he will remember his sister – full of love and joy.

“She loved music. She loved tattoos. She was an artistic person by nature… In the way she was talking and the way she was moving. In the way she danced.

“There was no dark side, only pure angel.”

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