Former paramedic reveals the ’life saving’ tip after calling triple-0

A former paramedic has detailed the simple step many don’t do when calling triple-0.

But it’s a step that could save valuable, maybe vital seconds, if someone is gravely ill.

Nikki Jurcutz founded Tiny Hearts Education, a business that provides courses and sells products for parents of young children.

In an Instagram post she detailed how simply unlocking your door as you call triple-0 could be “potentially lifesaving”.

“This could save you precious seconds if you’re at home waiting for an ambulance,” said Ms Jurcutz.

“So when the paramedics arrive, they are able to come straight through and you don’t need to stop the first aid you are giving your child to open the door.”

Demonstrating a scenario on a baby doll, she showed how she had to stop compressions, walk down the corridor to the front door, unlock it, open it and let the paramedics in all while her child was unattended.

The post has received scores of comments.

“When I was an emergency call taker I always asked people if the door was unlocked or someone else was home to unlock it,” said one.

“Best advice. We did this when our son was one week old.

“It took around six minutes from the time we called to the time they arrived and they ran straight inside our house,” said another.

However, a number of people who work in emergency services said a locked door would be no impediment.

“We will always find a way inside. Whether it’s breaking a window, accessing a key box or using firefighters to break the door down. We will gain access.”

Although even that process could waste time that could be better used tending to the ill.

One commenter asked what to do with dogs which can sometimes be aggressive of strangers in the home.

Ms Jurcutz suggested that if it was feasible any pets should be locked away such as in a spare room, before the paramedics arrived.

Press 55

She has also previously shared another lifesaving tip if you’re in trouble and calling the emergency services.

“You’re choking and you’re alone, what do you do?” she said.

“This exact thing happened to my mum so I’m going to share with you exactly what you need to do if you start choking and you’re alone.”

First things first, call triple-0.

“Although you will be unable to speak, after a little bit they’ll ask you to press 55 to let them know that you need help.”

Pressing 55 can also be used if it’s not safe to speak. Additionally it’s an indication someone is on the line even if no one speaks.

If there is silence and no response, such as 55, the call may be disconnected.

By pressing 55, the caller will be passed to the police who will try various methods – including visiting an address – to check on you welfare.

If no one is around, and you are choking, you should next place a fist on the lower half of in the centre of the chest above the belly.

Then grasp that fist with the other hand and bend over a hard surface such as a chair, bench or table.

Press into the chest with a quick upward thrust as if trying to lift yourself. And continue until the obstruction is gone.

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