Anthony Fauci: ‘What the f*** are you doing’: Fauci recalls 2020 phone call from Trump. It had a Covid link

Anthony Fauci, the former chief medical advisor to the President, in his new memoir recollected a 15-minute phone call from the then-President, Donald Trump, in which Trump dropped the ‘F’ bomb on him. “Tony, I really like you…but what the f— are you doing,” Trump told Fauci from his Air Force One — on the morning of November 1, 2020 — two days before the election day.
Washington Postclaimed that its interview with Fauci amid the pandemic was the reason for Trump’s anger. Fauci warned that Coronavirus cases were surging again and it called for a change in the nation’s response. “You really need to be positive…you constantly drop bombs on me,” Trump told Fauci, as revealed in ‘On Call: A Doctors; Journey in Public Service’.
In that interview, Fauci actually said that Joe Biden’s campaigning was taking Covid-19 seriously while Trump’s rallies were packed with maskless men and women.
That was the final conversation between Fauci and Trump bringing the curtains down of their relationship.
“The president was irate, saying that I could not keep doing this to him,” Fauci wrote.
“He said he loved me, but the country was in trouble, and I was making it worse. He added that the stock market went up only 600 points in response to the positive Phase 1 vaccine news, and it should have gone up 1,000 points, and so I cost the country ‘one trillion dollars,’” Fauci said.
On the F bomb, Fauci said he had a pretty thick skin but getting “yelled at by the president of the Unites States, no matter how much he tells you he loves you, is not fun.”
Fauci had similar private face-offs with Trump detailed in the memoir. In August 2020, at an Oval Office briefing, when Fauci told Trump that he was wrong to dismiss the value of coronavirus testing, Trump ignored Fauci and just moved onto the next topic. Fauci drew Republican’s ire for recommending social distancing during the peak pandemic days and gradually he was identified as a Trump-hater.

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