Wild reason woman is suing boyfriend

A woman in New Zealand took her boyfriend to court after he failed to take her to the airport, causing her to miss her flight.

The unnamed woman had asked her boyfriend to pick her up so she could catch her flight but he didn’t turn up and as a result she missed her flight and was forced to travel the next day.

She ended up missing a concert she had planned to go to.

The woman was so incensed that she took her partner of six years to the Disputes Tribunal to try and get him to cover some of the money she’d lost.

The couple’s names have not been released but details of the case were made public on Thursday, Stuff reported.

The woman also wanted to be compensated because her boyfriend had not stayed at her house while she was away to look after her dogs, which he had agreed to do.

She claimed their agreement had constituted as a legally binding agreement and was seeking to be paid travel costs and the cost of putting her dogs in kennels.

Tribunal referee Krysia Cowi said in a statement, “partners, friends and colleagues make social arrangements, but it is unlikely they can be legally enforced unless the parties perform some act that demonstrates an intention that they will be bound by their promises”.

“When friends fail to keep their promises, the other person may suffer a financial consequence but it may be that they cannot be compensated for that loss,” she said.

Cowie said the promises made within the relationship fell short of a contract and dismissed the woman’s case.

The couple have now broken up.

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