A US conspiracy theorist linked to the horrific murders of two Queensland police officers and a neighbour in a religiously-motivated terrorist attack claimed he was “armed to the teeth” and threatened to kill law enforcement officers who came onto his property following the Australian shooting. Chilling details of the threatsContinue Reading

Australia’s police ministers are poised to sign off on recommendations to close a loophole in the nation’s gun laws that may have contributed to the Wieambilla massacre. Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will meet again with state and territory police ministers in Brisbane on Friday after being tasked by national cabinet withContinue Reading

It was the crime that shocked and horrified Australia and left law enforcement reeling as it investigates whether the ambush and killing of police officers at Wieambilla in Queensland could have been avoided. There have been demands for answers after four unsuspecting police officers were ambushed with a hail ofContinue Reading