Australian workers should get an extra week of paid annual leave to make up for the fact that employees are working longer hours than ever, a powerful union says. Annual leave hasn’t increased in Australia since the mid-1970s under the Whitlam government, when unions successfully pushed for an increase fromContinue Reading

We’ve all wondered what could bring Sydney’s eastern suburbs to a screeching halt. Besides Kerri Anne Kennelly and Yumi Stynes reigniting their Australia Day feud outside of Woollahra’s Chargrill Charlies, it has always seemed impossible. Until today, that is. Paddington, a suburb with a median house price of $3 million,Continue Reading

With a little extra preparation, Aussies can transform just nine days of annual leave into nearly four weeks off. By booking their annual leave in line with public holidays and weekends, many working Australians will be able to score some pretty substantial holidays in the next few months. Naturally, theContinue Reading

With a little extra preparation, Aussies can transform just nine days of annual leave into nearly four weeks off. By booking their annual leave in line with public holidays and weekends, many working Australians will be able to score some pretty substantial holidays in the next few months. Naturally, theContinue Reading