Australia’s lowest-paid workers will receive a 5.75 per cent pay rise after the industrial umpire decided to lift the minimum wage from $21.38 an hour to $22.61. The Fair Work Commission has handed down the findings of its annual wage review for the estimated 184,000 workers who receive the nationalContinue Reading

Australians earning the minimum wage would get a raise in line with inflation if the national workplace umpire follows Labor’s recommendation. The Albanese government has confirmed it will back a wage increase for Australia’s lowest paid workers that keeps pace with the cost of living for the second year inContinue Reading

If you’ve ever felt that you’re much smarter than your boss, you’re not alone. And now, new research published in the European Sociological Review late last month has finally revealed what many hardworking employees have long suspected – that the top earners might not necessarily be the brightest crayons inContinue Reading