The mother of an 18-year-old apprentice who was crushed in a fatal scaffolding collapse has called on the NSW government to push through industrial manslaughter laws so no other family faces the tragedy of losing their child in horrific workplace accidents. In April 2019, Christopher Cassaniti died after an overloadedContinue Reading

Illegible, incomplete and poor records mean Victoria Police will never truly know how many times their officers forcibly removed an Aboriginal child. The state’s Chief Commissioner of police made a formal apology to the Stolen Generations on Friday, acknowledging Victoria Police’s more-than-100-year role in removing Indigenous kids. “It’s vital forContinue Reading

A worsening housing crisis and skyrocketing rents has seen the number of people sleeping rough increase by 55 per cent since 2020 in NSW. The Community Housing Industry Association NSW revealed more households across the state had been hit by the housing crisis, forcing people to live on the streets.Continue Reading

Australia has sweltered through it’s third-hottest summer ever recorded, cracking a grim climate record above the country’s 30 year average. Statistics released by the Bureau of Meteorology this week reveals the country experienced its third hottest December-February period on record, 1.62C above the 1961-1990 30-year average. It marks the thirdContinue Reading