Scott Morrison will warn against a ‘drift of secularism’ and encourage Australians to reconnect with traditional Christian values in his final speech as a federal politician. The former prime minister will on Tuesday deliver his valedictory speech to parliament after announcing his retirement in January. Mr Morrison, who served asContinue Reading

Scott Morrison will warn against a ‘drift of secularism’ and encourage Australians to reconnect with traditional Christian values in his final speech as a federal politician. The former prime minister will on Tuesday deliver his valedictory speech to parliament after announcing his retirement in January. Mr Morrison, who served asContinue Reading

Singapore, hey? City of Hawker markets, clean streets, Marina Bay, Changi, three-shirt days, taxi drivers who understand airconditioning, and many of Asia’s absolute best bars. What’s not to love? Damn, that city is hot. Always hot. Long pants in Singapore are a pain. There should be a law dictating onlyContinue Reading

Wine producers have praised the government’s decision to walk away from a European Union free trade deal, arguing EU negotiators tried to “change the rules of the game midway through the game” to undercut the country’s multimillion-dollar industry. EU negotiators, locked in discussions with Trade Minister Don Farrell, pushed forContinue Reading