FRANKFURT: Heavy rains caused flooding in parts of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands overnight into Saturday, swamping streets and buildings and sparking evacuations. In the southwestern German state of Saarland, streets were deep underwater and images on social media showed emergency workers carrying local residents to safety in boats. StateContinue Reading

An eminent group of former politicians, academics, ambassadors and doctors wants the federal government to redirect $9bn of frozen Russian assets to rebuild Ukraine. Russian oligarchs’ “dirty money” being held in Australia should also pursued, 26 signatories say in the letter. Signatories include former Prime Minister John Howard, former RussianContinue Reading

There are six countries that hold the most powerful passports in the world after they came equal first for the hottest travel documents for 2024. Citizens of France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore and Spain can enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to an incredible 194 destinations around the world — andContinue Reading