A motorbike and truck convoy, making its way through Sydney’s east, has copped criticism from both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine supporters, and branded “psychological warfare.” About a dozen riders from Al Quds community centre in Regents Park, their bikes adorned with Palestine flags, made their journey from Lidcombe to Coogee onContinue Reading

A Sydney beach is getting plenty of attention online and those who frequent it want it to remain a “hidden gem”. Sydneysiders may be familiar with Yarra Bay, a beach located on the northern side of Botany Bay in the suburb of Phillip Bay, just 7km south of Sydney’s cityContinue Reading

Taxpayers may be forced to pay “reparations” to Indigenous Australians for “past, present and future criminal acts” under a proposed treaty, with suggestions that “a fixed percentage” of GDP be handed over through “rates, land tax and royalties”, documents released under freedom of information reveal. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hasContinue Reading