Cases of whooping cough are surging almost 500 per cent in parts of Australia. The national regulator flagged shortages of medicine to treat the disease a year ago. The shortfall is likely to extend to at least the end of June, but alternative antibiotics are available. Waning vaccination rates haveContinue Reading

A man is dead and two others are in hospital after they were struck with a deadly disease that kills between five and 10 per cent of people who contract it. WA Health has confirmed the three men were diagnosed with meningococcal disease, an uncommon but life-threatening bacterial infection ofContinue Reading

A British beautician has tragically died after undergoing a boob job in Spain. Donna Butterfield, 30, from Wrexham in north Wales, had a breast enlargement performed several years ago but had returned to have an imbalance corrected, costing her $11,650, according to her relatives. She flew back to Majorca, inContinue Reading

A deadly mosquito-borne disease that kills about one in five of those who catch it is rising across Australia. State health agencies from Queensland to Western Australia have recorded a troubling uptick in Murray River encephalitis cases, a rare but dangerous illness that can kill or lead to permanent neurologicalContinue Reading