ABU DHABI: In a display of interfaith solidarity, the Gurudwara in Dubai distributed 5,000 ‘langar‘ meals at the inauguration of the first Hindu stone temple here on Wednesday. The temple was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a dedication ceremony attended by over 5,000 invitees. Surender Singh Kandhari, chairmanContinue Reading

WASHINGTON: The ‘top Indian diplomat’ expelled by Canada amid allegations linking the Indian government to the assassination of a Khalistani activist has been identified as Pavan Kumar Rai, purportedly the Canadian station chief of India’s intelligence agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW).Rai’s name was leaked to the Canadian media byContinue Reading

KOLKATA: The proposed ‘India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor‘ announced during the just-concluded G20 Leaders’ Summit in Delhi will prove to be a game-changer project and provide huge impetus to global trade, Engineering Exports Promotion Council India (EEPC India) said on Monday. The corridor will also make the “global supply chain moreContinue Reading