“Exiled” rebel senator Fatima Payman is expected to imminently announce whether she will remain in the Labor Party, with one Labor minister admitting the saga has been a “sad situation” and “terrible distraction”. Senator Payman remains indefinitely suspended from the federal Labor caucus following her decision to cross the floorContinue Reading

Australia’s dismal apprenticeship dropout rates that are exacerbating the nation’s chronic skills shortage will be the focus of new reforms, Skills and Training Minister Brendan O’Connor has flagged. In an address to the National Press Club on Tuesday, Mr O’Connor stated government was currently searching for solutions to stop theContinue Reading

Malcolm Turnbull has joined the chorus of former prime ministers criticising the government’s $368bn AUKUS deal, saying there are more risks than there are rewards. A day after Paul Keating’s extraordinary spray in which he labelled the deal the “worst in all history”, Mr Turnbull was more measured in hisContinue Reading