Vagabond law student Bruce Lehrmann has been hit with a $13,250 bill for alleged “extensive damage” to the luxury pad provided by Channel Seven in exchange for his exclusive tell-all TV interview. The former Liberal staffer, who is currently of no fixed address, has been staying with friends and supportersContinue Reading

The Seven West board, led by Kerry Stokes, has probed shock claims of cocaine and sex workers plaguing investigative program Spotlight, with questions raised over the extent of knowledge in the finance department and among Seven executives. understands that news and current affairs boss Craig McPherson told the executivesContinue Reading

Ben Roberts-Smith’s financial supporters at the Seven Network, including billionaire Kerry Stokes, will have to hand over thousands of documents, including personal emails, showing their level of involvement in the soldier’s failed defamation trial. In July, Federal Court Justice Anthony Besanko ruled some of the imputations against Mr Roberts-Smith putContinue Reading