Public health authority NSW Health has issued a warning over spikes in whooping cough and pneumonia, with children and teens catching both highly contagious infections at “unseasonably high” levels. Concerningly, the latest outbreak of pneumonia has led to “unseasonably high numbers of presentations to emergency departments” across the state, especiallyContinue Reading

Cases of whooping cough are surging almost 500 per cent in parts of Australia. The national regulator flagged shortages of medicine to treat the disease a year ago. The shortfall is likely to extend to at least the end of June, but alternative antibiotics are available. Waning vaccination rates haveContinue Reading

An emergency “Code Yellow” has been declared in one state’s public hospital system as a new Covid and flu wave smashes health staffing numbers and generates a surge in new patient presentations. South Australia Health chief executive Robyn Lawrence triggered the emergency on Thursday and at a press conference onContinue Reading

Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has confirmed the state is currently experiencing a severe jump in flu cases. Chief Health Officer Clare Looker said the state was currently dealing with a cocktail of elevated influenza, Covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) cases as winter approaches. “We’ve seen a significant jump inContinue Reading