Victorians are saving the most carbon dioxide emissions via Uber’s emission savings tracker. The new feature tallies the CO2 saved by riders hopping into an EV or hybrid. Rather than showing riders a negative statistic – how much they are emitting per ride – the rideshare giant is spelling outContinue Reading

Woolies shelves have been stripped bare in parts of the country as the supermarket grapples with major operational issues at multiple distribution centres. Multiple Woolworths stores in Queensland have been affected by the warehousing issues, resulting in low-to-no stock across multiple fresh produce ranges, including milk, poultry and fruit. ButContinue Reading

Australia is set to overhaul its automotive landscape, potentially bidding farewell to the era of top-selling cars such as the Toyota HiLux ute, beloved SUVs, and colossal American pick-up trucks. The catalyst for this transformation comes from new laws announced by the Federal Government, which mandate stringent emission standards forContinue Reading