There are calls for Australia to capitalise on an emerging group of international university of students, as a new report identifies Africa as a major source of students over the next 30 years. A report by The Lygon Group, commissioned by Universities Australia, suggests that by 2050, the nations ofContinue Reading

A leading economist has branded Australian housing a “misery machine” while reiterating calls for cuts to immigration until construction can catch up with demand. Chris Richardson appeared on ABC’s QandA on Monday night where an audience member posed the question of whether migration levels should be linked to the capacityContinue Reading

Four out of five new homes built in Sydney over the next half-decade will be needed to absorb an “unprecedented” international student wave, according to a new report blasting the federal government’s “unplanned” population explosion. The research, published by the Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) think tank on Monday, foundContinue Reading