The Chinese spy balloon that passed over the US early this year used American technology that helped it collect audio-visual information, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday, citing preliminary findings from a closely held investigation.Analysis from several US defense and intelligence agencies, found that the balloon carried commercially availableContinue Reading

WASHINGTON: China is the strongest and the most disciplined “enemy” that the US has ever faced, Republican presidential aspirant Nikki Haley has warned.In an impressive speech addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference — the top annual event of the Republican Party and its support base — the Indian-American politician continuedContinue Reading

BEIJING: China’s ceremonial parliament has accused American lawmakers of trampling on the sovereignty of other nations after the U.S. passed a measure condemning a suspected Chinese spy balloon‘s intrusion into U.S. airspace.The statement issued Thursday by the National People’s Congress’s Foreign Affairs Committee repeated Beijing’s insistence that the balloon wasContinue Reading

WASHINGTON: The three still-unidentified aerial objects shot down by the US in the past week likely had merely a “benign purpose,” the White House acknowledged Tuesday, drawing a distinction between them and the massive Chinese balloon that earlier traversed the US with a suspected goal of surveillance.“The intelligence community isContinue Reading