Drive through one of countless new crammed housing estates in Sydney’s west and you might picture the small saplings lining narrow streets one day blossoming into lush trees. But the reality is that government planning controls have allowed verges so narrow that what’s planted doesn’t have enough space to everContinue Reading

A short plane ride from here, a city once crushed beneath the weight of skyrocketing rents and eye-watering property prices has found a solution to the type of housing crisis plaguing Australia’s major cities. While bold and quite controversial, the fix was relatively simple, quickly implemented and highly effective, dramaticallyContinue Reading

Construction of a new “green and connected” city in Sydney’s outer west is currently underway. Bradfield City Centre is the NSW government’s latest billion-dollar investment presently in the works with the goal of becoming “Australia’s newest city for the 22nd century”. Located 56 kilometres west of Sydney’s CBD and adjacentContinue Reading