Eastern Australia faces the threat of gas shortages during the height of winter, thanks to increased demand and a shortfall in supply. Strained LNG production owing to unplanned production outages, reduced renewable generation and heightened demand during a winter cold snap risks creating a shortfall in gas supplies across Australia’sContinue Reading

A popular pizza maker has been urgently recalled over fears it could cause an electric shock, leading to serious injury or even death. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission issued a recall last week for the Morphy Richards electric pizza maker. According to the notice, the counter top appliance hasContinue Reading

Three-quarters of Australians have been the target of delivery scams, according to the latest research from Australia Post. About 25 per cent of those who received a fake delivery or package message from scammers, unwillingly become the victim of identity theft or suffered a financial loss of up to $20,000.Continue Reading

Australia’s “highly competitive” telecommunications sector is under “dynamic strain”, Communications Minister Michelle Rowland has warned, after the country’s largest telco Telstra revealed it would slash 2800 direct jobs before year’s end. Announced by Telstra boss Vicki Brady on Tuesday, the telecommunications giant swung the axe in what is largest redundancyContinue Reading