Justice Michael Lee delivered a scathing verdict regarding the conduct of Channel 10 over the decision to green-light Lisa Wilkinson’s infamous Logies speech on the eve of Bruce Lehrmann’s criminal trial. It was “grossly improper and unjustifiable” he found, because it implied Brittany Higgins’ allegations were true in proximity toContinue Reading

Police are reviewing the leaking of Brittany Higgins’ personal phone records to the Spotlight program in the wake of a Federal Court finding that her alleged rapist Bruce Lehrmann was responsible, Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw has revealed. Speaking at the national press club on Wednesday, Commissioner Kershaw saidContinue Reading

Justice Lee reasoned with conclusive authority that Brittany Higgins has told the substantive truth about what happened inside Parliament House in 2019. Mr Lehrmann raped her. While not a win – a young woman was still raped – this is vindication for Ms Higgins. Justice Lee also addressed a numberContinue Reading