An 11 year-old girl has suffered severe third-degree burns after allegedly using nail glue purchased from a popular Chinese online retailer. Jamie Oliver, father to 11-year-old Chloe told the Daily Mail his daughter was “left in hospital” after she had used an “at-home manicure set”, which she had proudly purchasedContinue Reading

PARIS: France‘s privacy watchdog said Tuesday that it slapped Amazon ‘s French warehouse business with a 32 million euro fine ($35 million) for using an “excessively intrusive system” to monitor worker performance and activity. The French Data Protection Authority, also known by its acronym CNIL, said the system allowed managersContinue Reading

Your car may be keeping tabs on your “sex drive”. Car makers Nissan and Kia can collect data on their drivers’ “sexual activity” and “sex lives” — and may sell the info to third-party advertisers, according to a shocking study by an internet privacy watchdog, the New York Post reports.Continue Reading

Toughening up reporting obligations for data breaches and allowing Australians the ‘right to be forgotten’ online are proposed in the review into the country’s Privacy Act. Federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, who commissioned the review after Labor’s election last May, will release the full 3750-page report on Thursday. Mr Dreyfus saidContinue Reading