The Liberals are headed for a historic defeat in the Dunstan by-election after early polls favour Labor. South Australian Liberal Party leader David Speirs has admitted retaining the seat in Adelaide’s inner east will be “exceptionally difficult”, with support for Labor and Greens swelling in the electorate. Labor candidate CressidaContinue Reading

Fallout from the federal government’s shock announcement to radically alter how it funds the nation’s infrastructure is sweeping through state-level politics, with one parliament descending into a shouting match over how money should be spent. South Australian Opposition Leader David Speirs led a barrage of questions to Premier Peter MalinauskasContinue Reading

Pressure is growing on the federal government to explain the Voice referendum “wipe-out” and the $400 million poured “down the drain” on the vote during a cost-of-living crisis. Tanya Plibersek appeared on Seven’s Sunrise on Monday morning where host Natalie Barr grilled the federal Environment Minister over the “dismal” result.Continue Reading

The crushing defeat of the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum could risk further uncertainty for the future of state and territory-based Voices to parliament. Indigenous advisory bodies are not new in Australia with some states and territories having already established, or are working towards the implementation of, Indigenous-led bodies informingContinue Reading