The Coalition and Greens are demanding answers after it was revealed defence personnel on-board the now-defunct Taipan helicopter fleet were flying with equipment deemed to carry an “increased risk” in certain situations by internal testing. Pilots on the military aircraft were using a helmet-mounted display system that one test hadContinue Reading

Pro-Palestine protests in Melbourne on Friday night were a display of “anti-Semitic, thuggish behaviour” and an attempt to assert primacy over Jewish Australians, the Coalition has claimed. The opposition’s defence spokesman Andrew Hastie made the claims on Sunday morning, as Defence Minister Richard Marles called for “careful language”. Hundreds ofContinue Reading

Labor frontbenchers have rejected suggestions the government deliberately timed the release of a landmark defence review to link it to Anzac Day. Some Coalition MPs have criticised the government’s decision to release a declassified version of the Defence Strategic Review on the eve of the national day of commemoration forContinue Reading