Controversial former Nationals MP and One Nation senate candidate George Christensen has pledged to wage war on the “woke” tide as he returns once more to the political arena. The self-styled “wokebuster” has won a seat on the Mackay council in North Queensland following a populist campaign in which heContinue Reading

One woman recently went viral after getting her partner’s name ‘Kevin’ tattooed on her forehead. Ana Stanskovsky, 27, explained in a TikTok, viewed over 19 million times, that it was a way to “show off” her feelings. “I know it’s a little bit crazy,” said Stanskovsky. “But I like toContinue Reading

Footage of scantily clad drag dancers performing for a crowd of mums and babies has sparked outrage online, with some calling for a crack down on the “abhorrent” event. Videos taken from the Instagram account of CabaBabaRave are circulating on Twitter showing a crowd of mums with their infants cheeringContinue Reading