Packed-out and understaff emergency departments are the latest part of the nation’s healthcare system to be ringing alarm bells, according to a major new report. Performances have deteriorated in the overwhelming majority of categories over the last 12 years, such as wait times, and this trend can vary enormously dependingContinue Reading

NSW semi-urgent and non-urgent hospital patients spent just under five million hours in emergency departments statewide last year, research from NCA NewsWire shows. The 4.96 million-hour health burden, sourced through Bureau of Health Information data, comes as NSW hospitals face an unprecedented statewide strain. Record-high staff burnout and the nationalContinue Reading

Australia’s state health ministers have united to call on the federal government for urgent changes to Medicare for women suffering from endometriosis. Off the back of’s ‘About Bloody Time’ campaign launch on Friday, every state and territory in the country has supported calls for longer, Medicare-funded consultations for theContinue Reading