Labor has been slammed for being “obsessed” with renewables and “out of touch” on its nuclear energy policy, ahead of a major climate change conference in the Middle East. Shadow Attorney-General Michaelia Cash accused Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s opposition of having a “completely, totally and utterly out of date” onContinue Reading

Ex-Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has claimed man-made global warming was “ahistorical and utterly implausible”, labelling climate activists and scientists as “cult”-like. During a speech at the UK launch of an Institute of Public Affairs report into energy policies in Australia, Mr Abbott took his most direct hits at scientificContinue Reading

Replacing Australia’s retiring coal-fired power stations with the Coalition’s suggested nuclear energy model would cost taxpayers up to $387bn, new modelling suggests. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, backed particularly by junior Coalition partners the Nationals, has previously suggested that Australia could “convert or repurpose coal-fired plants and use the transmission connectionsContinue Reading

An economic blueprint for Australia’s next 40 years will show the ballooning cost to sustain an ageing population and the challenges to pay for it amid sluggish growth. The latest iteration of the Intergenerational Report will be released on Thursday, painting a picture for the next four decades. It willContinue Reading

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will still visit Australia next week as planned, despite the cancellation of the Quad leaders’ summit in Sydney, Anthony Albanese has confirmed. The Prime Minister was due to host Mr Modi, US President Joe Biden and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio — three of theContinue Reading