Taxpayers would be forced to foot the bill for a portion of the Coalition’s mooted nuclear energy push, the opposition has confirmed, as it bats away questions over the cost, timeframe and commercial viability of local nuclear generation. Speaking on Sunday, opposition energy spokesman Ted O’Brien said Commonwealth funds wouldContinue Reading

Labor has been slammed for being “obsessed” with renewables and “out of touch” on its nuclear energy policy, ahead of a major climate change conference in the Middle East. Shadow Attorney-General Michaelia Cash accused Energy Minister Chris Bowen’s opposition of having a “completely, totally and utterly out of date” onContinue Reading

Once-in-a-decade weather events are set to increase electricity demand across Australia this summer, threatening blackouts and energy grid reliability. The Australian Energy Market Operator warned weather conditions this summer would likely hike up electricity demand for households and businesses across the country. Following the release of their 2023-24 Summer ReadinessContinue Reading