Millions of Australians face the risk of electricity blackouts without the “urgent” delivery of greater energy and transmission infrastructure, the Australian Energy Market Operator has warned. The warning comes as delays pile up in green energy projects and traditional power sources go offline. In its latest 10-year forecast for theContinue Reading

The Transport Workers’ Union has supermarket giant Aldi in its sights, with the union set to kick off a months-long campaign to pressure the retailer to negotiate a national agreement for transport employees. The TWU also wants Aldi to sign on to a charter ensuring “minimum standards” across Australia’s supermarketContinue Reading

Some 400 union workers will strike for 24 hours on Friday at electricity giant Transgrid after the company allegedly rejected a “compromise” offer from the Electrical Trades Union last week. The long running pay dispute between the union and Transgrid, which operates transmission lines, high voltage underground cables, substations, switchingContinue Reading

Industrial action will hit electricity transmission and distribution giant Transgrid on Friday, putting at risk progress on the company’s signature $2.3bn EnergyConnect transmission line build between South Australia and NSW. Electrical Trades Union members will stop work for an hour at 11am across the company’s portfolio of assets, including EnergyConnect,Continue Reading

Australian universities have underpaid their staff by $159 million dollars, a shocking new report has found, prompting union leaders to urge the federal government to criminalise wage theft. A report released today by The National Tertiary Education Union found more than 97,000 university staff have been underpaid by 32 higherContinue Reading