Fears of poultry shortages are growing in one state as the deadly bird flu disease hits another farm and shutters production. Agriculture Victoria confirmed on Thursday that a sixth farm had been hit with avian influenza, with five properties near Meredith, about 100km west of Melbourne, and a property nearContinue Reading

Health authorities have issued an urgent warning after a person visited shops, supermarkets and a university in Melbourne’s southeast while infected with measles. Victoria’s Department of Health said the person was infected with the highly contagious viral illness by a returned traveller in Victoria. While infectious, the person is understoodContinue Reading

The dangerous measles virus has been detected in a Jetstar passenger flying into Sydney from the Gold Coast, with health authorities urging anyone who might have been exposed to the traveller to be on alert for symptoms. Measles is a highly contagious virus and NSW Health said on Wednesday theContinue Reading

A measles alert has been issued for Melbourne and Brisbane airports after an infectious person returned from overseas. The traveller was infectious when they arrived from Indonesia, transiting through Melbourne Airport before travelling to Queensland. The passenger flew on Qantas flights QF40 from Jakarta to Melbourne on Sunday July 2,Continue Reading