Once-in-a-decade weather events are set to increase electricity demand across Australia this summer, threatening blackouts and energy grid reliability. The Australian Energy Market Operator warned weather conditions this summer would likely hike up electricity demand for households and businesses across the country. Following the release of their 2023-24 Summer ReadinessContinue Reading

Poor weather is being blamed for an expected big drop in global wine production. Australia has experienced severe weather conditions over the years with a higher risk of heatwaves and bushfires forecast for the next seven months. As such, bad weather including heavy rainfall and drought is the reason theContinue Reading

After three years of a climate driver called La Niña bringing cool temperatures and record-breaking rain, an El Niño, associated with hot and dry weather, is underway. Big Red Group chief executive David Anderson says this will influence the way tourists want to experience Australia this summer. “If you look atContinue Reading

After three years of a climate driver called La Niña bringing cool temperatures and record-breaking rain, an El Niño, associated with hot and dry weather, is underway. Big Red Group chief executive David Anderson says this will influence the way tourists want to experience Australia this summer. “If you look atContinue Reading

The outlook for spring weather is set to be “very different” from last year, the Bureau of Meteorology has warned in its seasonal forecast. With the continent stuck between two rain-suppressing climate drivers, September to December is forecast to see below average rainfall and “unusually” dry conditions across essentially theContinue Reading

Incoming Reserve Bank boss Michele Bullock has warned the RBA will consider climate change when setting future interest rates. Australians are enjoying a much needed two-month reprieve from soaring interest rises after twelve consecutive rate rises caused massive pain for mortgage holders. However, now the new Reserve Bank boss hasContinue Reading

Damning findings within Australia’s chemical regulator, including an incident of an employee urinating on their colleagues, have emerged at its board chair and CEO stand down. Staff at all levels at the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) were found to have been subject to regular complaints of misconductContinue Reading